2020 Holi Bhai Dooj Date– 2020 Bhai Duj after Holi Festival
Bhai Dooj is a significant Hindu festival in which sisters display their love for their brothers. In 2020, the date of Bhai Dooj after Holi is March 11 Wednesday. Bhai Duj comes twice in a year one after Holi and another after Diwali. The name of the festival ‘Dooj,’ or Duj, denotes that the festival falls on the second day after full moon. ‘Bhai’ means brother.
It must be noted here that the Bhai Duj after Diwali is given more importance by many Hindu communities.
Both married and unmarried women join in Bhai Duj Festivals. The most main event on the day is the application of teeka or tilak (Vermilion Dot) on brother’s forehead by the sister. She then performs an arati. Usually, the sister visits the brother to do the Holi Bhai Dooj puja.Source:
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